Are you looking for a location for your project?

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Browse through our catalog containing more than 1300 properties

Pixaloca proposes a wide array of natural decors, suitable als shooting location for films, series, advertising, photoshoots and events

How does it work?

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We highlight decors for professionals

Our secured platform connects decors (scouted by us or offered by managers/owners) to professionals looking for film shooting or event locations.

Our library contains hundreds of decors and is accessible for free to registered professionals. They can access the photos of the places and get their approximative localisation.


Create a free account

Register in a couple of seconds through our online form. To guarantee the security of our properties, the access to our database is only possible after validation of your account by an administrator of Pixaloca.


Browse through our catalog of locations

You have free access to the pictures of our database of decors.


Communicate your choice

Send us the decors of your choice. We guarantee a follow-up of your project.

Our services

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Our catalog of decors is available to professionals

This cataloog is free to consult after validation of every account.

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Browse through our catalog of locations

You have free access to the pictures of our database of decors.

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We put your property out for rent

Managers of different properties are allowed to upload multiple properties on our databank for free, easily in a couple of clicks. If you are not the owner, you just need to ask for permission.

Discover more

Do you own a property suitable for our catalog?.

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Present your property and get payed when rented

We are looking for all types of decors: plain houses, small and big appartments, barn, restaurant, warehouse, modern villa, offices, forests…everything interests us! Every kind of rental gets rewarded.

They trust in us